
BYOB Dream BIG Bootcamp

This is not a drill. It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee!
The new year has come with so many promises that we can’t wait any longer: a clean slate, fresh starts…

But what happens if you don’t take action?

What will your dreams be without fulfillment in life or work satisfaction and joy of living yet another day on Earth?”
I’ll tell ya something else too- those ideas whirling around inside our heads need some good old fashioned love from us before they’re ready for prime broadcast; otherwise how does anyone know this isn’t just more noise

(and honestly I’m getting tired listening)?”

You know what’s a lot more fun than working for someone else? Working on your own! You may be thinking, “I’m not sure I can do this.” But you ARE capable and we’ll show how in our new year bootcamp. The first step of which is understanding that Passion – where does it come from? And why should YOU care about tapping into the place within us all inspired by OUR PASSIONS.

The world has changed since the last economic crisis … people want work they love + companies looking first at what an employee brings versus just their job title.

The time is now for us to start dreaming! With COVID looming again, it’s more important than ever that we have income control. This bootcamp will show you how important tapping into your God Given Gifts really are–they can create dreams come true in ways nothing else could!

The time is now!

If you’re tired of being held back by life, this bootcamp will show what’s possible for YOU. Life can be so difficult when there are all these obligations and responsibilities we have to take care off – but how long will we continue to allow them to consume our dreams?

It doesn’t matter if it seems impossible or daunting at first because nothing worth doing ever comes easy; with hard work comes success!!!

This event isn’t just about making money, building wealth through investments…it also gives practical advice on how we should approach our lives from here out – starting today so that everything becomes easier tomorrow instead of staying exactly where we already are: stuck in a rut wondering why everyone else has seemingly happy fulfilling lives.

Ready to dream BIG? Click the link below to register.

Unable to attend….not a problem! There will be recordings available.

It’s time to free your mind and set yourself on a new path. There are more than enough reasons not join this bootcamp, but if you’re curious as to what happens when we work with our hearts instead of against them? When life becomes an adventure rather than just another burden?

Imagine how much freer everyone would be in their own lives!

You have the power in you! This is your moment: do not miss out on all that this bootcamp has to offer. Imagine what it would be like if life was simple and exciting… but no, instead of thinking about how great things could potentially be for us we’re too busy with work or other obligations? I’m here today telling y’all “No more!” You deserve better than being tied down by mundane tasks every day; come find freedom from living someone else’s dream while still having yours!

Click the link below to register now, you’ll want to be sure and get your spot at this once-in-a lifetime event that will help show you how easy it can be for someone just like yourself who is looking online into building their own business.

ALL YOU PAY is $20.22

WE could explain more but the proof is in the pudding! Here’s what past attendees at our other events have said:

Juayneice Thomas

The way we think about money has to order for us to truly have a good relationship with our money. The bootcamp was absolutely amazing. I learned how to put my money to work for me by giving it an assignment. I also learned to plan for my money I wish to receive. Also met some new ladies who &ave become accountability partners. I feel sorry for those who missed it!

Kalisha Brown

I've learned alot more than what I knew. Especially applying for grants and resources for my business so that I can keep upgrading it to it's full potential. The information was excellent and I'm truly applying those steps that learned so my money can work for me and not let it work me #freemoney

Medina James

I have been transformed yet again... by Coach Dawniel Winningham My mind is renewed and ready to take action! I had to settle this fight once and for all. No more will I walk around in the wilderness. Plans in motion to get moving. #fightmoney #renewedmind #trendsetter

Carla Ross

Thank you, just listened to Day 1 replay and wrote my money letter. This is already powerful and absolutely invaluable. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

Bridgette Johnson

I got a testimony. I fought the good fight of the of attending the Boot Camp. I got so fired up I took a step to help thousands of children's and families and will make a dream that has been in my heart for years, The dots have been connected. It was worth the 20.21. I even had some friends join and they were encouraged to go to the next level.

Dee Jefferson

I am so excited this Free Money Bootcamp has been eye opening, change the way I will start talking to my money and speaking life into my business. I had someone speak some things over me today and it lined up with what Coach was saying all this time in the Bootcamp. You gotta want it for yourself, your family and most of all so you can live free of worry and stress. You must make a decision and that time is NOW!!! #fightmoney

LaWanda Keyes

Whoop!! Whoop!! I'm excited to be here and Thank you Dawniel Winningham and all! I watched the previous video's and already applied for 1 grant that was taught in the video!

Berdel Warrior-Lewis

In Day 3 - I learned that I need to get in the habit of hiring experts in order to save myself time while focusing on the bigger project in my business. #fightmoney Thank you Dawniel Winninghamand team for this amazing training. I appreciate you.

And There’s MORE
Upgrade to VIP for only $49 and get these AMAZING bonuses
valued at $297

Bonus 1: Get the F Out (Value $99)
This priceless guide and video will help you to have the work/life balance that you have always dreamed of without feeling like you have to leave YOURSELF behind!

Bonus 2: Business Assessment (Value $99)
The Business Assessment Workbook will help you understand the gaps in your business, so that INSTEAD of running all over the place trying to fix EVERYTHING, you FIRST work on those things that are going to generate the most money for you

Bonus 3: Million Dollar YOU Bundle (Value $99)
There is a MILLIONAIRE inside of you! Get your copy of my brand new book Million Dollar You and learn all the things you need to do to train yourself to be the millionaire you were born to be!